Hospitality industry after COVID-19 in Vietnam

vietnam after covid

The hospitality industry in Vietnam has been hit very hard from the COVID-19 but thanks to the exemplary management of the crisis by the Vietnamese government it will recover briefly.

We have continued working remotely and since neither us nor our clients could do interviews, we have made major changes in our organization. We have worked on our processes and on our information system. We have worked on ourselves and got ready for what we believe will be a tremendous come back.

I would like to personally thank our clients that came back working with us as soon as it was possible to do interviews again. We now have more than 20’000 profiles in our database and we keep increasing our user base so we can provide our clients with the best applicants possible matching their needs as close as possible.

This crisis has given us the opportunity to improve and think about our future, now more than ever I am convinced that we will continue to improve the quality of service in the hospitality industry and will keep growing in the next years.

I would like to thank the whole HUFR team for their hard work and our clients for their support and appreciation.

Sincerely yours,

Matias, Co-Founder and CEO of HUFR

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